Ayurveda or traditional Indian medicine, it is the sister science of Yoga which is dedicated to balancing the mind in relation to the body. Many thousands of years ago it was developed as a system for diagnosing imbalances in body and mind that eventually manifest as illnesses, ailments and other symptoms. It is thus a question of bringing back the balance thanks to a hygiene of life adapted to the person, the use of formulas of plants and other adapted natural remedies.
Ayurveda is above all a system of holistic and preventive medicine. Its role is to provide targeted knowledge and practices so that body and mind can be in harmony and in great shape.
Since 2007 Benoit offer to accompany you as well as possible thanks to their knowledge acquired during his studies in India within Ayurvedic clinics, and during continuous additional training. Always attentive, he take the time to discuss and share with each person in order to best adapt the care and advice according to their needs.
As these treatments are treatments, they can only be given one by one.